Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Homeopathic Treatment

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IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a chronic condition that effects large intestine resulting in frequent stools, diarrhea, constipation, cramps, bloating, pain etc. Most of the times, there are no obvious signs of any disease or infection in the intestine or digestive tract.

The peristaltic movement of digestive tract is affected during IBS, resulting in more frequent stools (increased peristalsis).

Other common names of IBS include:

  • Spastic Colon
  • Irritable Colon
  • Nervous Stomach
An image explaining what is IBS


Most Common Symptoms of IBS:

In IBS, usually no serious structural change or pathology is seen in large intestine. Instead, only functional GIT disorders are observed. This means that there are problems how your brain and intestine work together. Intestine becomes more sensitive, the contraction of bowel muscles is affected, peristaltic movement is changed and there are feelings of cramps and pain etc.

IBS is a syndrome which means that this condition have many symptoms occurring and happening together. Most common of these include:

  • Frequent Urging to pass stools. Many people need to pass stools right after they eat anything.
  • Poor control over stool – There is an urgency to rush to bathroom with lesser control over anal sphincter muscles.
  • Some people have diarrhea. Others may experience constipation. Some may experience diarrhea alternating with constipation.
  • Stools’ appearance may be changed. It may be normal or loose.
  • There may be frequent abdominal pain.
  • Bloating or Gas is also a common symptom.
  • Feeling that stool is not yet fully passed after bowel movement.
  • White Mucus in the stools.
  • Due to frequent stools, there is improper digestion and absorption of nutrients that results in weakness and fatigue.

Three Types of IBS:


Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation. Stool is mostly hard, dry and lumpy


Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Diarrhea. Stool is mostly watery and loose.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Mixed Types of Stool. Patient experiences both hard, dry, lumpy stools as well as watery and loose stools.

What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS):

The exact cause(s) of IBS are not known, but it is observed that there are many factors that can develop IBS in some people. The most common risk factors include:

1- Life Style and Certain Foods:

It is observed that people who frequently eat spicy and rich are more prone to develop IBS. Sedentary life style, alcohol consumption, spicy food, fast foods etc can result in Irritable Bowel Syndrome in some people.

2- Food Allergy – Food Intolerance:

If IBS happens due to eating some specific kind of foods then you may have food allergy. For example gluten allergy and Lactose Intolerance etc.

3- Stress – Anxiety – Depression:

Usually chronic anxiety, stress or depression can result in the IBS. Infact, it is one of the major causes of IBS. There may be different reasons of chronic depression like physical abuse, sexual abuse, love disappointment, business loss etc.

4- Microorganisms (Bacteria/Virus):

Some bacteria like Brachyspira, H.Pylori (Heliobacter Pylori Bacteria) may be the cause of IBS in some people.

5- Genetic Factor:

It is studied that Genetic factor is also important in development of IBS in some patients. If your parents had the history of IBS, then you are more likely to get affected with this syndrome.

6- Excessive Use of Heavy Medications:

Prolonged and excessive use of Allopathic Medicines (especially Antibiotics) may also cause symptom resembling IBS.

How to Diagnose Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS):

If this problem started at least 6 months ago and you have above mentioned symptoms at least one time in a week for last three months, it confirms that you are suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

To find out the possible cause(s) of IBS, your doctor may recommend you one or more of the following tests:

1- Stool Examination:

Your doctor may ask you for Stool R/E to check the presence of certain bacteria and parasites like H. Pylori and Brachyspira.

2- Lactose Intolerance Test:

This test is performed to check whether you have enough production of Lactase Enzyme in your body or not. Deficiency or lacking Lactase enzyme results in the inability to digest sugar present in dairy products that can produce symptoms similar to IBS.

If you are lacking this enzyme, then your doctor may restrict you from taking milk and other dairy products for some period of time.

3- Breath Test:

This test is done to check whether there is an abnormal/increased growth of bacteria in your small intestine resulting in slower digestion. If you are diabetic or had a bowel surgery, then Breath test may become positive.

4- Colonoscopy:

A Colonoscope tube along with a very small video camera is inserted into rectum of patient. This tube is slowly moved upwards into intestine. This test detects any abnormalities, changes or any abnormal growths (polyps, cancers etc) in your intestine.

5- More Investigations:

Other tests may include Upper Endoscopy (to check bacterial overgrowth in small intestine), CT Scan or X-Ray (to find possible causes of pain).

How Irritable Bowel Syndrome Can Be Completely Cured Using Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathy provides safe, fast and best way to treat IBS. Homeopathic treatment starts with an detailed investigation and case taking of patient to collect complete history, mental and physical symptoms. It is important to properly find out and investigate the causes of IBS and mental state of patient.

Following are some of the most important homeopathic remedies for the treatment of IBS:

1- Nux Vomica for Treatment of IBS Due to Sedentary Life, Spicy Foods, Prolonged Medications:

Nux Vomica is a top grade remedy to start the treatment of IBS in the patients who live sedentary life and consume too much of spicy & fast foods. It is also a great remedy for the patients who have been using Strong Allopathic medicines (Antibiotics, Steroids etc) for the treatment of other ailments. Nux Vomica regulates Peristaltic movement of intestines.

Usually patient has following mental and physical symptoms:

  • Violent anger,
  • Cannot tolerate contradiction,
  • Craves for stimulants like tea, coffee, alcohol etc
  • Loves Meat
  • Very Passionate and Perfectionist
  • Have great leadership qualities
  • Often suffer from digestive tract problems like constipation, ulcers, burning, piles etc
  • Patient feels that some stool is still there after coming back from bathroom
  • History of prolonged use of Allopathic medicines

Dosage: Depending upon the condition of patient, Nux Vomica 30C (3 times a day) or Nux Vomica 200C (once or twice a day) should be given to patient for few days or weeks. Potency and dosage of the medicine should be adjusted with the changing symptoms.

2- Homeopathic Carcinosin and Tuberculinum For Patients With Family History of IBS:

If patient has family history of Cancer, TB or IBS then safe homeopathic nosodes Carcinosin and Tuberculinum should be given in the start of treatment. Single doses of these nosodes in high potency are recommended. These remedies often remove the underlying cause of issue and follow up remedies based on symptoms of patient clear the case.

3- Homeopathic Nosodes Bacillinum and H.Pylori To Treat IBS Due to Microscopic Organisms:

Bacillinum: It is very effective homeopathic nosode that should be given when cause of IBS is any microscopic organism. Few doses of Bacillinum 1M are enough.

H-Pylori Nosode: Most common bacteria that can cause IBS is H.Pylori (Heliobacter Pylori Bacteria). Homeopathic nosode of H.Pylori is very effective in such cases to remove this toxin. Few doses in high potency are enough.

4- Bowel Nosode “Dysentery Co.” For Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

It is a nosode made from B. Dysenteric in homeopathic potency by John Peterson and is very effective in treating IBS-D .

Physical Symptoms: Symptoms are similar as seen in most cases of Dysentery. Other symptoms include:

  • Midnight acute pain in stomach (12-1 AM) which is better after vomiting of big amount of mucous
  • Spasm of pylorus (opening of stomach into the duodenum). Can cure congenital pyloric stenosis.
  • Duodenal ulcer where nervous symptoms appear before the physical symptoms of ulcer. Affected areas are stomach and heart.

Mental Symptoms: Anticipation is a main mental symptom (Gelsemium and Argenticum Nitricum type) which is a state of fear or uneasiness (palpitation in some cases) before happening of some event like interview,  meeting, examination, traveling etc. Patient is very shy and uneasy with strangers. Patient is restless (like Arsenicum Album), cannot remain still and have involuntary, irregular and unpredictable (choreic) muscle movements of face and limbs.

5- Aloe Socotrina and Crotin Tig – IBS With Uncontrollable Stool:

Aloe Socotrina is a very good remedy that is very useful in the cases of IBS and diarrhea where patient has very less or no control over stool. Patient’s mind is always on rectum because there is an immediate and very strong urge of stool. Immediate need to pass stools right after eating food. Stool is mostly loose accompanied by lots of gas and there may be mucus in stool also. Abdominal pain before and during passing stools that goes away after excretion.

Aloes can be given in 1M potency daily or single dose of CM potency. If used after Bacillinum, gives wonderful results.

Crotin Tiglium:

Croti nTig is also very effective when stool is loose, water, in large quantities and there is desire right after eating something. Weakness is felt after passing stools. It can be used in 30C potency 3-4 times a day.

6- Mercurius Solubilis (Merc Sol), Merc Cor, Cuprum Met & Alestonia – IBS With Painful Diarrhea and Tenesmus:

If IBS patient have painful stools with tensesmus (frequent urging of stool inspite of empty rectum), then following remedies are helpful:

Merc Sol

Main symptoms include colic, tenesmus, frequent & loud flatus, green slimmy stools, stools with blood, stomach sensitive to touch, all symptoms worse at night.

Merc Cor

Main Symptoms are Dysentery, tenesmus, stools are hot and offensive, pieces of mucous membrane in stool, bloody stool, painful stools.


This remedy is indicated when symptoms include watery and painful stools, Loose stools or Diarrhea right after eating food, violent cramps in bowel, Gone feeling in stomach + Sinking feeling in abdomen with weakness.

Cuprum Metallicum

Chief symptoms are Cramps in abdomen, black stools, bloody stools, painful stools, frequent urging without need, weakness.

7- Gelsemium and Argenticum Nitricum – IBS With Anticipation and Anxiety:

Many IBS patients have very clear mental symptoms of Anticipation. It means their complaints increase/produced before occurring of an event like interview, meeting, examination, public speaking, traveling and in crowd etc.

Gelsemium patient is usually very lethargic, wants to lay down most of the time, have slow pulse or low BP.

Argenticum Nitricum patient craves sweets, want to walk very fast when anxious, afraid of heights and closed places. Patient is very impatient and always in a hurry.

8- Homeopathic Remedy For IBS-C – Alumina:

Patients with IBS-C (irritable bowel with constipation) can be treated with homeopathic remedy Alumina when symptoms are matched. Regular peristaltic movement of intestine becomes very slow causing severe type of constipation and there is no desire of stools for many days. Stools are usually hard but may be loose in some cases, but in both cases strain or effort is required to pass the stools.

Dosage: Usually Alumina 30C three time a day is very effective. This remedy can be used for many weeks with gap of few days after 15 days.

9- Homeopathic Remedy Bryonia Alba For IBS With Constipation and Dry Hard Stools:

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation, hard dry and burnt stools Bryonia Alba is an excellent remedy. Other matching symptoms include dry mouth, dry rectum, intense thirst and chronic constipation.

Dosage: Bryonia Alba 30C three times a day gives very good results. Remedy should be stopped when improvement begins.

10- Some Other Common Remedies For Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome:


Diarrhea with gushing stools and there is very large quantity of stool which is not common. Stool odour is very offensive. Diarrhea after eating fruits.


Stools are loose and there are cramps/pain in the abdomen that becomes better by bending forward or pressing. Pain or cramps in abdomen are increased even by little quantities of water or food.

China Officinalis:

Stools are loose with no pain. Due to chronic diarrhea patient feels weakness and looses weight.

Pulsatilla Nigricans:

Patient cannot tolerate oily food, dairy products, milk and products made from milk. Bitter taste of mouth. Stools change in color and shape. One stool may be loose, other may be hard. Similarly stool color may change frequently.


Bloating, heaviness, flatulence in abdomen after eating food (even small quantities). Usually there is alternation of diarrhea and constipation. Patient desires hot foods and hot drinks.

Carbo Vegetabilis:

Abdomen become heavy, bloated and tense after eating anything. Belching gives relief to patient. Burning feeling in stomach along with acidity. Stool is usually loose with offensive smell. Patient wants fresh air on his/her face.

Do You Need Perfect Homeopathic Treatment For Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

Homeopathy provides the best treatment of IBS. If you want to get treatment you can start from here. The first step of treatment will involve proper case taking. We will collect of your mental, physical and emotional symptoms along with desires, likes/dislikes etc. After that you will be prescribed with homeopathic remedies that are most suitable for your condition.

How Much Time is Required To Fully Cure IBS in Homeopathy?

IBS is a chronic condition, therefore it needs little more time than acute cases of digestive issues. In most of the cases 4-6 months are required for complete cure. In some complicated cases where anxiety and emotional disturbances are also involved, more time may be needed. But you will start seeing improvement in 1-2 months.

I suggest you to be patient and keep taking medicines for few months and cooperate with your homeopathic doctor for best results.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
